Cyber Risks Management Pledge: RSA Conference Announcement

Posted by HIPAA Software on Jun 09, 2022
Cyber Risks Management Pledge

At the RSA Conference on Wednesday, almost 40 companies from 8 countries announced signing the Cyber Risks Management Pledge. Among them were such tech giants as Microsoft, AWS, Cisco, IBM, Red Hat, Verizon, and others. In addition, enterprises promised to strengthen sustainability to cyber threats, especially the increasing number of ransomware attacks.

About Cyber Risks Management Pledge in Detail

Collaborating with the Coalition to Reduce Cyber Risk (CR2), the companies mentioned above signed the Cyber Risks Management Pledge. This document guaranteed to resist cyber threats and implement internationally recognized cybersecurity frameworks. 

All parties comprehend the primary aim of the pledge. The purpose is to strengthen cybersecurity resistance and confront growing transboundary threats. They must provide continuous realization of cybersecurity approaches based on global risks.

Internationally accepted cybersecurity standards and frameworks based on risk management methods and applied to different fields support such realization by enhancing coherence and continuity between interrelated branches and through international supply chains.

What did Cyber Risks Management Pledge Parties Agree on?

So, signatories of this innovative obligation claimed to perform the following duties:

  1. Promote development, elaboration, and introduction of methodologies and best risk management practices. Methods should base on risks and count on consensus-based benchmarks. Best practices refer to ISO/IEC 27110, 27103, the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, etc.
  2. Sustain providers and supply chain members’ attempts to accept cybersecurity risk-based approaches. The aim is to help a small business prosper, bettering cyber ecosystem resistance simultaneously.
  3. Introduce ISO/IEC cybersecurity standards as the basis of policies and cybersecurity means of control where possible. Also, other generally accepted cybersecurity standards can be implemented.
  4. Reestimate policies and cybersecurity means of control oppose reviews sometimes to ISO/IEC benchmarks and proactively take part in branch initiatives concerning bettering these standards.

How is the Health Sector Related to the Pledge?

Of course, the healthcare field depends on other critical infrastructures to deliver treatment. So, Health-ISAC – one of the Cyber Risks Management Pledge signers – highlighted the interrelationship between healthcare and cybersecurity fields at the RSA conference and supported the CR2 initiative. The organization considers it a means of growing awareness of cybersecurity and urging to accept reliable risk management principles to heighten the whole healthcare field resistance.

This comment shows that organizations worldwide in many sectors pay attention to cybersecurity. As a result, dedication to internationally accepted cybersecurity risk management methodologies and frameworks that apply to all fields can lead to comprehensive economic benefits. It also can assist governments in achieving their political purpose, alternate collective security, and heighten cybersecurity resistance throughout the whole ecosystem.

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