Email Archiving Platforms

Email Archiving Platforms

Email Archiving Platforms are those, that preserve email letters in the archive format. You can store, index, search and retrieve these archives electronically. Usually, institutions implement such platforms into their workflow to recover after cyber-attacks and to maintain business continuity.

Email archiving is also quite popular among HIPAA Compliant healthcare organizations, as a number of cyber threats have been growing for the past years. But it’s important to find a solution that maintains HIPAA Compliance to avoid incidents with ePHI. To be compliant, a platform must satisfy the requirements of the HIPAA Security Rule. These platforms should encrypt data both while transmission and being in a quiescent mode. They also should protect all attached files, media, ePHI, etc. from the steal.


Rating: 8

Xeams is a free (or almost free) email managing system, that provides a HIPAA-compliant archiving, as well as reliable protection from spam and viruses.


Rating: 8.5

ArcTitan is a cloud-based email archiving system, that provides a HIPAA-compliant archiving for the daily use securely.

Comet Backup

Rating: 9.5

Comet Backup is a universal backup managing software, that provides a HIPAA-compliant reserve copying and trustworthy protection and storing of your ePHI. Because of its flexibility and wide integration, there is no competitive alternatives.

If you’re looking for the Email Archiving Platform, that is HIPAA Compliant, check our reviews! You can find all the useful information you need for your knowledge here.

Compare and choose the platform that matches your requirements. But if you still have questions or can’t decide what to choose, reach out to us!
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